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来源:海口家教中心 日期:2018/12/3
    0nce upon a time,there was a bird,One day he was very thirsty,So he flew out to look for some water.Then he found a big lake,so the flew down to take a drink.As he was drinking he fell into the lake by accident(偶然).He started to swim toward the bank.
    He was so tired that he lay on the bank and went to sleep.He started to dream about his childhood.His parents were always away looking for food for him and never had time to play with him.He always thought that his parents did not like him.He remembered how they gave him food,then left,and came back again,fed him and left him alone again.He had three other brothers and sisters but they died in the cold winter,so he was always alone.
    When he awoke,he was very sad because of this dream,and didn’t want to live any more.He went to the highest tree he could find and flew up.He jumped off keeping his wings clae to his body so that he  wouldn’t fly.He did find the tallest tree but it stood right by the lake.He fell into the lake and he suddenly became afraid of death and tried to swim to save his life.This time the trip was too long and gave him a lot of time to think.By the time he had reached the shore,he realized that he really did want to live.He started to make plans for his own home.
He found a mate(配偶)and they started looking for things to make their home.Soon they had children.He started collecting food for his children and realized that it was not because his parents did not like him.He did not understand them because he hadn’t been “in their shoes”,and hadn’t 
realized how hard 1ife was for them.He then smiled to himself and planned to make a trip to thank his parents for raising(养育)him.From then on they all lived happily.
56.Why did the bird fall into water for the first time?
    A.He wanted to kill himself.
    B.He thought his parents did not love him.
    C.He was so careless that he dropped into the lake.
    D.He couldn’t find a mate.
57.Which of the following is NOT the reason for his sadness?
    A.He didn’t have a mate.
    B.His parents had no time to play with him.
    C.He thought his parents didn’t like him.
    D.His brothers and sisters died.
58.What is the meaning of “in their shoes” in the last paragraph?
    A.In their boots(靴子).
    B.Using their shoes.
    C.Finding their places.
    D.In their position(位置).
59.Which can be the best title of the passage'?
    A.Do Not Kill Yourself.
    B.A Bird’s Dream.
C.Life Is Hard.
D.Think More of Your Parents.
Our neighbour’s son was getting married at an out-of town church, and my husband and I were invited. We immediately rushed out to a store, and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket. The dress was a little tight , but I had a month to go before the June 30 wedding and that would be all right for me.
June 29 came and, of course, I hadn’t lost a single pound; in fact I had gained two. But I thought a nice new girdle  would cure everything. So on our way out of the city we stopped once again at the store. I ran in and told the clerk I needed a size large party girdle. The clerk found the box with the describe girdle marked “LG”, and asked if I wound like to try it on. “Oh, no, a large will fit just right. I needn’t try it on.”
The next morning was rather hot, one of those thirty-four-degree days, I suppose, so I waited to get dressed until about 45 minutes before time to go. I popped open the box only to find a new girdle in a small size. Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn’t fit right 
without a girdle, a fight broke out in the hotel room between me and the girdle. Have you ever tried to shake 20 pounds of potato into a five-pound bag? That’s it.Finally my husband, laughing like crazy, got hold of each side and shook me down into it. At once I put on the pink dress, which didn’t go very well with my red face, and was ready to go.
Finally we got to the church.I heard one of the people say that they were having a High Mass.I turned to my husband and asked, “What is a High Mass?” he shrugged his shoulders .
Unfortunately, I learned that this particular mass would last one hour, twenty-two minutes and eight and one half seconds─the priest (神甫) was going to bless everything except my girdle.
60.Why didn’t the writer buy a loose dress? 
A.Because she was too thin.
B.Because it was too hot then.
C.Because she thought she could become a little thin within a month.
D.Because a tight one was a little cheaper.
61.What does the writer want to express by saying “Have you ever tried to shake 20 pounds of potato into a five-pound bag”?
A.How difficult it was to shake 20 pounds of potato into a five-pound bag
B.The difficulty I had in putting on the tight dress.
C.How foolish I was to put on such tight dress.
D.How foolish I was to put so many potatoes in  such a bag.
62.What does the underlined word “girdle” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A. 腰带  B.紧身内衣  C.连衣裙  D.短裙
63.Which word can be best described the author?
A.optimistic(乐观的)  B. beautiful 
C.ugly  D. careless
It seems that everybody tells lies—well, not big lies, but what we call “white lies”. Telling white lies isn’t really that bad. Most of the time, people do it because they want to protect a friendship. Some studies suggest that that the average person lies about seven times a day. Here are some ways they do it.
People often lie because they want to hide something from someone. For example, a son doesn’t tell his parents that he’s dating a girl because he doesn’t think they will like her. Instead, he says he’s going out with the guys.
B.Giving a false excuse
Some people lie because they don’t want to do something. For example, someone invites you to a party.You think it will be boring, so you’re busy.
C.Lying to make someone feel good
Often we stretch the truth to make someone feel good. For example, your friend cooks dinner for you, but it tastes terrible. Do you say so? No! You probably say, “Mmm, this delicious!”
D.Lying to hide bad news 
Sometimes we don’t want to tell someone bad news. For example, you have just had a very bad day at work, but you don’t feel like talking about it. So if someone asks you about your day, you just say everything is just fine.
64.Which of the following is the best title for Paragraph A?
A.Lying to hide something
B.Lying to earn respect
C.Lying to impress someone
D.Lying to gain an advantage
65.The underlined phrases “stretch the truth” probably means _______.
A.avoid answering his or her questions
B.tell him or her exactly what’s in our mind
C.say something that is not completely true
D.make up as many excuses as we can 
66. If a man doesn’t want to tell his little daughter that her dear grandpa has passed away, he les to _______.
A.hide the bad news
B.gives a false excuse
C.avoid getting blame(责备)
D.please his daughter
67.From the passage , we can known that the writer’s attitude towards “white lies” is ________.
A.doubtful  B.unfavorable   C.negative   D.favorable(赞成的)
Milan,the second largest city of Italy,has won  an undesirable(不受欢迎的)world record. Of the 54 big cities studied by the World Health Organization and the United Nations,Milan was considered to have the worst air pollution. According to these two 10-year studies,the level of air pollution in Milan is twice as high as the levels in Paris and Beijing and three times those in Tokyo and London,and four times that in New York. The reason for Milan’s bad pollution,to some experts,is that the city lies in a valley that  holds back the poisonous gases. Though Milan has taken some measures(措施)to lower the level of pollution,the situation is still worrying. People joke to each other,“If you’re traveling to Milan,be sure to bring your gas mask(面具).”In order to reduce the use of private cars in 1979.the authorities(当局)in Milan began an interesting experiment:Passengers in the city buses didn’t have to pay for their tickets.
68.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned(提到)in the passage?
    A.Milan’s air is regarded to be worst polluted in Europe.
   B.Experts thought that the air in Milan was badly polluted.
   C.The reason for the air pollution in Milan.
   D.Measures have been taken by Milan to reduce the air pollution.
69.Why is the air pollution in Milan so serious?
    A.Because the city 1ies in a place where it is difficult for polluted air to move away.
    B.Because too many cars are being driven in the city.
   C.Because the city lies in a place where there are some mountains near it.   .
   D.Because Milan has taken some worrying measures.
70.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?
   A.Milan has taken some measures and the air pollutions is being reduced.
   B.Milan has taken some measures.but the air pollution is still troublesome(麻烦的).
   C.Milan has taken no measures so far to 1ower the 1evel of pollution.
   D.Milan has taken every step to reduce the air pollution.
71.The government of Milan encouraged the people to take city buses for free in order to _____.
   A.have a safer transport
    B.stop the air pollution completely
    C.increase the income(收入)of the bus company
D.reduce the pollution made by cars 
Academy Awards(电影艺术奖)
Oscar is shaped like a man.It is made of several metals covered with gold.The statue(雕像)is only about 34 centimeters tall.It weighs less than four kilograms.But the award can be priceless to the person who receives it.Winning an Oscar can mean becoming much more famous.It can mean getting offers to work in the best movies.It also can mean earning much more money.Movies from the United States and several other countries are competing to win Academy Awards.
The awards were not called Oscars until much later. In 1951, a woman who worked in the Academy library said the statue looked like a family member——her Uncle Oscar A reporter heard this story and wrote about it.Some people said the reporter and the librarian named the statue Oscar.But another woman said she named the Oscars for her first husband.
The awards are given every spring.The ceremony(仪式)is held in the Kodak(柯达) Theater in Hollywood.Important people in the movie industry attend the ceremonies. Crowds of people wait outside the theater.They watch the famous movie stars as they arrive for the ceremony. Actors 
and actresses smile for the photographers(摄影师)and television cameras. Some movie stars make statements to waiting reporters.
During the Academy Awards ceremony, famous actors and actresses announce the names of the winners. Then the winners walk up onto the stage to receive their Oscars.They cry. They laugh. They thank all the people who helped them win the award.These winners will go home with a golden Oscar.Only a few hundred invited guests can attend the ceremony.But hundreds of millions of people in the United States and other countries watch the Academy Awards show on television. 
72.Which of the following is not right according to the first paragraph?
  A.Oscar is very important in the movie industry. 
  B.Oscars make winners more famous.
  C.The person who receives the award can get a lot.
  D.Oscars are priceless in America.
73.In fact the awards were set up ________.
  A.in the 1950s   B.more than 50 year ago 
C.half a century D.50 years or so
74.It is very important for the following to come to the ceremony every spring except _______.
  A.the reporter and the librarian who named the statue Oscar
  B.the important people in the movie industry
  C.the famous movie stars and all kinds of reporters
  D.hundreds of millions of film fans in the world
75.What does the underlined word "announce" mean?
  A.To hear or see.  B.To carry back and repeat to another.
  C.To make known publicly.  D.To be proud of.
56.C   57.A   58.D 
59.C文章通过一只小鸟对人生的感悟:认为父母不喜欢自己而悲观厌世一做了父亲之后真正意识到生活的艰辛(how hard life was for them),从此开始了幸福的生活,所以只有C能概括全文。A、B、D只是用来引出或阐述主题的。 60. C   
61. B从前文作者讲述的自己体重的变化,以及下文提到的丈夫帮“我”穿裙子的动作“got hold of each side and shook me down into it”,可以看出,这里要表达的是自己穿裙子的困难。
62.B  63. D  64. A   65. C   66. A   
67.D 由第一段的“Telling white lies isn’t really that baD.”以及下文的解释可以看出,作者对“white lies”赞成的,因为他们对我们的生活有很多积极的作用。
68.A文章在对Milan(米兰)的描述中没有提到“被认为是欧洲污染最严重的城市”,故排除A,其他各项均能在文中找到。69.A 70.B 71—75 D DBAC
