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海口家教老师:高一英语必修三unit 4阅读训练

来源:海口家教老师 日期:2018/5/11
Are you looking for a picture book that can make you wish you were a kid again? If you are, here are some books that you may be interested in.
Mr. Tiger Goes Wild written and illustrated (作插图) by Peter Brown
Mr. Tiger and his animal friends are very civilized (高尚的): They wear top hats and hold tea parties. Then one day Mr. Tiger tries something new. He starts walking on all fours and roaring (咆哮) like a wild animal. It isn't long before Mr. Tiger goes too far and his friends finally drive him into the forest to live alone.
The Dark by Lemony Snicket, illustrated by Jon Klassen
Laszlo is afraid of the dark. Every now and then he visits the dark in the basement (地下室), where the dark lives, in hopes that the dark won't ever return the favor by visiting him in his bedroom. But one day, it does. Jon Klassen's pictures take you back to the days when that dark space in your closet was almost certainly home to a monster.
Mr. Wuffles! written and illustrated by David Wiesner
A group of tiny aliens landed in the home of a cat named Mr. Wuffles. In order to make repairs, they get out of their ship. There, they make friends with a group of insects who  offer them Cheez­Its and help with an escape plan. David Wiesner,a three­time Caldecott winner, tells this story without any words.
Journey written and illustrated by Aaron Becker
A lonely girl draws a door on her bedroom wall and walks into a world of flying machines. She travels in the new world  via boat, balloon and flying carpet, all drawn by herself. The book doesn't have words, either.
【文章大意】 本文是应用文,话题是日常生活类。文章介绍了四本儿童绘本。
21.What do Mr. Tiger's friends decide to do after he goes wild?
A. Run away to a new place.
B. Go to the forest with him.
C. Teach him to behave well. 
D. Stop being friends with him.
解析:D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的... his friends finally drive him into the forest to live alone可知,老虎先生的朋友们决定把他送到森林里让他独自生活,不再跟他做朋友。
22. Why does Laszlo visit the basement?
A. To keep the dark there.
B. To fight against his fear.
C. To talk with his friend there.
D. To invite his friend to his bedroom.
解析:A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的... in hopes that the dark won't ever return the favor by visiting him in his bedroom可知,Laszlo是想把黑暗关在地下室。
23. Whose book would you read if you're interested in aliens?
A. Peter Brown. 
B. Lemony Snicket.
C. David Wiesner.     
D. Aaron Becker.
解析:C 细节理解题。根据Mr. Wuffles! written and illustrated by David Wiesner部分中的A group of tiny aliens landed in the home of a cat named Mr. Wuffles可知答案选C。
24.Which book would you read if you're a fan of Aaron Becker?
A. Mr. Tiger Goes Wild.
B. The Dark.
C. Mr. Wuffles!.
D. Journey.
解析:D 细节理解题。根据Journey written and illustrated by Aaron Becker可知答案选D。
In April 1952, I was 11 years old and in the sixth grade at William Cleveland Elementary School, in Houston, Texas. My teacher was Miss Ada Pemberton. It was spelling bee time in our city—students were given booklets of words to study in preparation for the classroom spelldowns.They would lead to a schoolwide competition and qualifications (资格) for the citywide bee, where school winners competed for the honor of being the spelling champion (冠军) of Houston.
The day before the classroom spelling bee, my  youngest brother was playing with matches and accidentally set fire to our apartment. My mother made sleeping arrangements (安排) for all of us and called the school in the morning to tell Miss Pemberton of the accident, knowing that the class spelling bee was that day.
When I arrived at school, Miss Pemberton pulled me aside. She asked if I wanted her to put  off the spelling bee to another day because of the accident. I told her no. That day, I won the bee for my classroom. The next week was the school spelling bee, with classroom champions competing. I won again! The citywide spelling bee was one month away.
Every Sunday afternoon, Miss Pemberton would pick me up, and we would go to her apartment, where she would help me practice by calling out spelling words. After a couple of hours, Miss Pemberton would take me to Rettig's ice cream shop, where we would enjoy a hot fudge sundae, something I'd never had. We practiced every weekend until the citywide spelling bee with all the school champions from the Houston Independent School District.
I did not win the citywide bee, but I still felt proud to have taken part in it. I also felt lucky that I had such a caring teacher in elementary school.
【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。作者主要回忆了十一岁时在参加拼写比赛期间Miss Pemberton对自己的帮助。
25.What happened before the classroom spelling bee?
A. There was a fire in the author' s home.
B. The author was seriously ill in hospital.
C. Something strange happened in Houston.
D. The author's brother was badly hurt in a fire.
解析:A 细节理解题。由第二段中的The day before the classroom spelling bee, my youngest brother was playing with matches and accidentally set fire to our apartment可知,在班级拼写比赛的前一天,作者的小弟弟在家玩火柴时不小心引起了火灾,故选A项。
26.While preparing for the citywide spelling bee, the author ________.
A. kept forgetting words
B. asked her brother for help
C. had an ice cream every afternoon
D. practiced at Miss Pemberton's home
解析:D 细节理解题。由第四段中的Miss Pemberton would pick me up, and we would go to her apartment, where she would help me practice by calling out spelling words可知,作者在Miss Pemberton家中进行练习,故选D项。 
27.Which of the following can best describe Ada Pemberton?
A. Proud but patient.
B. Careful but slow.
C. Honest and brave.
D. Helpful and generous.
解析:D 推理判断题。由第四段中的Miss Pemberton ... would help me practice by calling out spelling words 和Miss Pemberton would take me to Rettig's ice cream shop, where we would enjoy a hot fudge sundae可知,为了迎接比赛,Miss Pemberton帮助作者进行练习而且还带作者去吃冰激凌,所以她是一位乐于助人而且十分慷慨的老师,故选D项。
28.What would be the best title of the text?
A. Great mom, great love
B. Miss Pemberton and the bee
C. The teacher who has changed my life
D. William Cleveland Elementary School
解析:B 标题归纳题。作者主要回忆了十一岁时在参加拼写比赛期间Miss Pemberton对自己的帮助,故选B项。
Maru is a popular international star. Every day, millions of people watch his videos on the Internet. But there is something about Maru that may surprise you. He is a cat.
There are many famous Internet cats. Some cats are famous for their videos like Maru. The woman who owns Maru puts new videos on Youtube often. People love to see what Maru is doing. Another famous cat is called “Grumpy Cat”. Grumpy Cat looks as if she is angry all the time and she usually appears in pictures.
Pictures are a popular way cats exist (存在) on the Internet. Some are memes (an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture), like Grumpy Cat. These cat picture memes often include funny  words. They use wrong words as if the cat is speaking in a  strange form of English.  
One of the most famous cat memes is called “I can has cheezburger”. The picture was the first on a website about cat memes. This website is even called “I can has cheezburger”. Ben Huh bought the small website in 2007. And today, it is part of a group of sites. He earns millions of dollars every year managing them.
But why do people on the Internet like cats so much? How can websites like these be successful? Some experts believe that cats amaze us. Often, it is very difficult to train a cat. So, when people see a cat do something amazing, they know it did the trick without training.
Or maybe people just love seeing cats on the Internet because cats are cute. We may never know the answer. But we do know one thing. Cats will be on the Internet for a long time. Matt Smith, who produces videos and pictures for the Internet, explains, “There will always be more cats on the Internet because so many people have cats. That means there is a lot of basic material for meme creation.”
【文章大意】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了网上备受青睐的猫咪。
29.What do Maru and Grumpy Cat have in common?
A.They are Internet stars.
B.They seem to be always angry.
C.They belong to the same owner.
D.They usually appear in pictures.
解析:A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的Maru is a popular international star和第二段中的Another famous cat is called “Grumpy Cat”可知,Maru和Grumpy Cat是网络“红人”。
30.According to some experts, people on the Internet like cats because ________.
A.they're cute and funny
B.they're friends of humans
C.they train hard to please people
D.they always surprise people in a natural way
解析:D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的when people see a cat do something amazing, they know it did the trick without training可知,有的专家认为人们喜欢在网上看关于猫的图片和视频是因为觉得猫的举动是自然而然的,没有经过人为刻意的训练。
31.What is Matt Smith's attitude towards the future of cat memes?
A.Doubtful.  B.Worried.
C.Hopeful.  D.Unclear.
解析:C 观点态度题。根据最后一段中Matt Smith说的There will always be more cats on the Internet可知,Matt Smith对猫米姆文化的前景感到乐观。
Summer is around the corner, and you may already be dreaming about how you'll spend your break. Chances are, staying in school is not your top pick. But for 13­year­old Simone Jones of Philadelphia—and more than 2 million other students in the U.S.—going to school in the summer is the only choice.That' s because Simone goes to a year­round school.
In fact, year­round schools have almost the same number of vacation days as traditional­calendar schools. In a year­round school, summer break is usually shortened to about four weeks; the remaining vacation time gets spread out over the rest of the year. Simone, for example, gets a few weeks off in the fall, winter, and spring.
That extra time off during the school year can be a good thing. “Everyone thinks a year­round school is hard,” says Simone. “But the little breaks take a lot of pressure (压力) off us.”
Reorganizing the year can prevent summer learning loss—that is, forgetting what you've learned from the prior (之前的) school year. However, there is a downside. In fact, some schools have tried year­round schedules only to turn back when it was difficult to carry out. Try setting up a soccer game with another school when you're on a break every few weeks. Planning family trips can be difficult too, especially if siblings (兄弟姐妹) are on different school schedules.
What does summer vacation mean in our culture? It's an American tradition, a time to create lasting memories. But is tradition a good enough reason to keep it around? Summer break began 120 years ago, when it was very hot in the summer, so schools started closing. Today, we have air conditioning. And most parents work. For many kids, summer days are spent mostly indoors, playing video games and watching TV. Clearly the world has changed. Is it time for summer break to change, too?
【文章大意】 本文是说明文。全年制学校的出现一改传统意义上的暑假,让孩子们将休息和学习更加有效地结合起来了。
32.According to the text, Simone Jones ________.
A.suffers from summer heat
B.has become tired of going to school
C.studies at a year­round school
D.keeps forgetting what she's learned at school
解析:C 细节理解题。由第一段中的for 13­year­old Simone Jones ... going to school in the summer is the only choice可知,Simone Jones在全年制学校读书,故选C项。
33.In what way are year­round schools different from traditional­calendar schools?
A.The number of vacation days.
B.How the holidays are organized.
C.What subjects students may choose.
D.When students go to school every day.
解析:B 细节理解题。由第二段内容可知,不论是全年制学校还是传统的学校,一年当中放假的总天数是相当的,只是安排的形式各有不同,故选B项。
34.The underlined word “downside” in Paragraph 4 could best be replaced by “________”.
A.duty  B.choice
C.danger  D.problem
解析:D 词义猜测题。由该段中的两个事例可知,对于全年制学校来说也会出现一些问题,比如:同其他学校安排足球比赛时,时间难以协调;当全家人打算外出旅行时,家里的孩子们如果有的上的是全年制学校,有的上的是传统的学校,那么出游时间也很难安排。
35.In the author's opinion, summer vacation ________.
A.was started in the early 19th century
B.is a tradition for people to keep alive
C.doesn't have to be that long any more
D.is a good time for kids to enjoy themselves
解析:C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的Today, we have air conditioning ... Is it time for summer break to change, too?可知,作者认为暑假没有必要再过那么长时间了,故选C项。
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