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海口家教老师:高一英语Unit 8同步练习

来源:海口家教中心 日期:2018/7/31
第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.---Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday? ----______.  
A.They were not nervous at all  B. They were still young  
C.They played naturally        D. They couldn’t have done better
22. First of all, please _____ me to introduce myself to you.
  A.make        B.agree      C.let        D. allow
23.The 29th Olympic Games _____ in Beijing, China.
  A.will take its place  B. will happen  C.is to be held     D.will be held
24.—What do you think of the book? 
     —Oh, excellent. It’s worth        a second time. 
    A.to read      B.to be read      C.reading    D.being read
25.In this forest there are more or less 15 kinds of snakes, ______ five are very dangerous.
A.which      B.where          C.of which      D.in which
26.---Susan, won’t you come and watch TV?
---____. I prefer reading to ____television.
A.No; watch    B.No; watching    C.Yes, watch    D. Yes; watching
27.Which do you think tastes        , the chicken or the fish? 
A.well          B.good            C. better    D. best
28._____many young people would rather buy expensive things though they haven’t enough money.
  A.At a time    B.At one time    C.In modern times    D.In time
29.He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have ________ a goal.  
A.scored     B.found        C.seen       D.made
30.My grandpa was in the Red Army, and he ______ the Long March.
A.joined        B.attended      C.took part in    D.took
31.---How often do you write to your friend?  --- ______.
A.For three weeks B.Three weeks ago C.Every three weeks D.In three weeks’ time
32.---Was Andrew there when you arrived?    ---Yes, but he ____home soon afterwards.
  A.had gone      B.has gone        C.is going D.went
33.Gao Luna won the first gold _____ for the Chinese Team at the Sydney Olympics.
  A.model      B.medal          C.prize        D.shape
34.Hope for the best and ______ for the worst.
  A.prepare      B.preparing        C.to prepare      D.be prepared
35.---I’ll talk to my son Bill about it as soon as possible. He usually listens.
---We need _______ listening. We need action.
A.more than     B.less than        C.not more than  D.no more than
A year ago I paid no attention to English idioms,   36  my teacher said again and again that it was important.
    One day, I happened to  37 an Englishman, on the road, and soon we began to 38  . As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner shook his head, saying, “You don’t say! You don’t say!”  I was  39 , I thought, perhaps this is not a 40  topic. Well, I’d  41 change the topic. So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? _42 _ the way, have you ever  43  there?”
    “Certainly, everyone back home will  44   me if I leave China without seeing  45 . It was great.” I said, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. It is a place of  46 .” Soon I was interrupted again by his words, “  47  !” I couldn’t 48  asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it?” “Well, I didn’t ask you to do  49 ”, he answered, gently surprised.
    I said, “Didn’t you say ‘You don’t say’?”
    Hearing this, the Englishman  50  to tears. He began to  51 _, “‘You don’t say’ actually means ‘really?’. It is an   52  of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay attention  53 English idioms.”
    Then I knew I had made fool of  54 . Since then I have been more 55  with idioms.
36.A.though      B.when            C.if            D. as
37.A.look        B.meet            C.pick up        D. find out
38.A.walk        B.talk             C.play          D. go
39.A.pleased      B.angry            C.afraid          D. surprised
40.A.proper      B.strange          C.safe          D. polite
41.A.to          B.better            C.not            D. like
42.A.On          B.In              C.All            D. By
43.A.gone        B.visited          C.seen          D. been
44.A.look at      B.think of          C.send for        D. laugh at
45.A.It          B.them            C.anything      D. something
46.A.fun          B.interest          C.business        D. mountain
47.A.Really      B.Good            C.You don’ t say D. You are right
48.A.be          B.help            C.think          D. do
49.A.this        B.so              C.anything      D. me a favor
50.A.laughed      B.cried            C.moved        D. came
51.A.explain      B.shout            C.prove        D. say
52.A.experience    B.expression        C.explanation    D. example
53.A.for          B.to              C.at            D. in
54.A.me          B.myself          C.him          D. somebody
55.A.helpful      B.popular          C.careful        D. satisfied
All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer.
Sports change with the season. People play different games in winter and summer.
Games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.
Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.
Some sports or games go back to thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.
People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person’s character(性格). One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace(体面)
56.According to this passage we know that _____.
A. people began to play about one hundred years ago
B. B.about 100 years ago people ran or jumped when they played
    C.basketball has a longer history than volleyballD.not all the games have a long history
57.The writer didn’t tell us in this passage that _____.
    A.basketball was invented in AmericaB.sports change with the season
    C.games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activities
    D.football is played all over the world 
58.People all over the world enjoy sports because _____. 
    A.sports are interesting  B.sports help to keep people healthy , happy and to live longer
    C.sports help to train one’s character  D.all of the above
59.From this passage we can see that_____.
    A.sports and games are unimportant things that people do
    B.sports and games should be treated(对待)only as amusement(娱乐活动)
    C.sports and games are only useful to the old D.none of  the above is true
Sport is very popular in England. In other words lots of English people like the idea of sport. A lot watch sport on TV. But the number who take part in(参加)sport is quite small. On the whole English people prefer to be fat rather than thin. 
  The most popular sport in England is football. Football is played on Saturday afternoon in most towns and the supporters(球迷)of a certain team will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are four divisions(级别)of the football league. Not surprisingly the best teams are in the first division. But the best supporters are often in the fourth division. You have to be a good supporter to watch the fourth division football!
  Many other sports are also played in England, such as golf, in which you try to knock a ball into a hole; basketball, in which you try to got a ball through a net(篮筐); tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent(对手)can not hit it. As you see, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport.
  Actually(其实), that is not quite true. Athletics(田径)isn’t played with a ball; nor horseracing(赛马). Perhaps that is why they are not so popular as football!
60.________ is the most popular sport in England.
  A.Basketball B.Football C.Golf D.Tennis
61.You have to be a good supporter to watch ______division football.
  A.the first      B.the second  C.the third    D.the fourth
62.Why do many English people not take part in sport?
A.They are too busy.              B.They like watching sport on TV.
C.They would like to be fat.          D.They prefer to be thin.
63.Why are English people interested in sport?
  A.They have their football team.B.The sport games are played on Saturday afternoon.
  C.They like the idea of sport.D.They like the famous players.
The 29th Olympic Games will be held in our country in 2008. As a great many people will visit our country, the government will build new hotels, huge stadiums, and fine new swimming pools. They will also build new roads. The games will be held just outside the capital and the whole area will be called “Olympic City”. The workers will build a railway and some new roads by the end of 2005. The fine modern buildings have been designed by the best designers. Everyone in the capital is preparing himself for the Olympic Games by learning English. We will be very glad to see the new buildings go up. We are very excited and looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held in our country before.  
64.Because of the 29th Olympic Games, _______ .  
    A.a lot of new buildings have been finished B.thousands of people visited our country.  
    C.Many new roads and a railway have been built D.A lot of new buildings have been planned 
65.From the passage we learn that the Olympic Games _______ .  
A.have just been held in our country       B.will be held in our country for the first time 
C.are held in our country every four years   D.were held in our country four years ago 
66.According to the passage, everyone in the capital _______ for the Olympic Games.  
    A.is busy building roads              B. is studying English 
  C.designing buildings                D. is having sports and games 
My favourite place for water-sports is Lake Vinney but it has only existed since 1975 when the valley was filled with water to provide electricity. Under the water is the village, Vinnthorpe. Last week I talked to Pat Smithers who runs a shop on the edge of the lake and looks after the huge car park. She said drowning the village was the best thing that ever happened as it brought a lot of business to the area and the number of visitors from all over the country continues to increase. When I asked people enjoying the water-sports, they said they never thought about the drowned houses and streets. When I spoke to some people sitting in the cafe overlooking the lake, I was surprised to find they still feel angry about what happened. They used to live in Vinnthorpe and were moved to other places in the area, among them thirty children who are now mid-dle-aged, but they still miss the village. They say that nobody asked them what they wanted—they were told one day that everything was decided. It is a shame that these people lost their homes and I hope something similar never happens again in the future. I would miss the water-sports if they weren’t there, however, and I must say that I hadn’t ever thought about what was under the water until last week.
67.What is the writer trying to do?
A.Describe what people think about the drowned village. 
B.Persuade people to take up water-sports on Lake Vinney. 
C.Discuss what might happen to Lake Vinney in the future. 
D.Explain why people like living by Lake Vinney.
68.What can a reader find out from the text? 
A.How electricity is produced.          B.How many people used to live in Vinnthorpe. 
C.Who decided to drown the village.     D.Why some people feel annoyed.
69.What do we find out about Lake Vinney? 
A.It attracts tourists from abroad.        B.There are lots of houses on the banks. 
C.More people are visiting it every year.  D.Mainly local people do water-sports there.
70.What does the writer think about Vinnthorpe? 
A.He agrees with Pat Smithers.     B.He feels sorry for the people who lived there. 
C.He thinks it should now be forgotten.  D.He has always felt guilty about water-skiing there.
Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, has a population of more than three million. It is not only Australia’s oldest and largest city but also its chief manufacturing centre and business port as well as the largest centre for selling wool in the world.
    Besides, Sydney is also a city with 30 golden beaches near¬by. In Sydney if you say you are going skiing, it often means water-skiing. If you are going to Kosciusko, you are probably going snow-skiing.
    The harbour of Sydney is spanned by the famous arch bridge and overlooked by dramatic new Sydney Opera House. The Opera House has great white curving roofs and is described as one of the great buildings in the 20th century.
There are old classic buildings in Sydney as well, such as St James Church, Hyde Park Barracks and Parliament House. Of course there are also modem skyscrapers.
It is estimated that by the end of the 20th century there will be five million people living in the metropolitan complex along the coastline north and south of Sydney. 
71.Sydney is certainly ___________.
A.the largest city in the world       B.the only city in New South Wales
C.the manufacturing centre n the world D. setting more wool them any other place m the world
72.Which of the following is NOT what people in Sydney are used to?
  A.water-skiing     B.snow-skiing C.its 30 beaches D.skiing
73.We can see that the Harbour of Sydney’, the famous arch building and the Sydney Opera House are____________ . 
  A.new one another              B.not all modem buildings m the 20th century 
C.all dramatically built              D.among the great buildings in the 20th century
74.How many more people will there be in the city of Sydney by the end of the 20th century? 
  A.3million.  B.5 million.   C.Fewer than 2 million.  D. 2 million.
75.Which of the following paragraphs best shows that Sydney is a very old city? 
  A.Paragraph 2. B.Paragraph 3.  C.Paragraph 4    D. Paragraph 5
Dear Zhang Wei,
You’ve no idea how sadly I felt when I learned you      76._______
failed in the exam. I’d like to talk to you how to make        77._______
progress in English study. Learn a foreign language with      78._______ 
less reading and without reading will make you never        79._______
master the spirit of it. You should make your theory          80._______
combined(结合) with practice. Trying to get advice on        81._______
English learning from the people around you. Never to be    82._______
satisfied when you are praised for even little success.        83._______
I am sure you will be good in English before long.          84._______
Hope you success next time.                                           85._______
                                 Sincerely yours
                                 Wang Lin
21---25 DDDCC  26---30 BCCAC  31---35 CDBAA   36---40 ABBDA  41---45 BDDDA  46---50 BCBBA   
51---55 ABBBC   56---60 DADDB  61---65 DCCDB  66---70 BADCB   71---75 DCACC
76. sadly→sad   77. you后加about  78. learn→learning  79. and→or    80. √  
81. Trying→Try  82. 去掉to       83. little前加      84. in→at      85. Hope→Wish
